Sunday, January 5, 2014

#59 Blackmarket Bakery (Costa Mesa, CA) Marshmallows

For dessert tonight, Hubbs and I went to the BlackMarket Bakery and picked up some Mint Marshmallows- fluffy pillows of goodness. Its like a 1" cube of surgary goodness. They come in all different flavors but today they had mint and vanilla available so we chose mint although after eating a mint mallow, I bet the vanilla ones are awesome.

My wonderful husband went to the store and got us some hot chocolate for our huge mallows. He cooked us up some hot chocolate and plopped the huge mallow on top as really only one can fit. All I can say is that when you dip your spoon in and taste it, it tastes like minty sugary goodness. The granules evaporate on your tongue. Best mallow ever...I want to go back and taste the white peach.

We also got some bread pudding, the chocolate almond on recommendation of the person there, but it was kind of dry and not very special. Hubbs got a cinnamon roll that he will try in the morning, probably with some mint mallow hot chocolate!!!
Almond Chocolate Bread Pudding

Cinnamon Roll for Breakfast

Hot Chocolate and Mint Mallows

Mint Mallow Hot Chocolate

Black Market Bakery

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