Tuesday, January 14, 2014

#34 Spin! (Orange, Ca) Blood Orange Sangria

Happy Birthday to me!!! Of course on my birthday, we are going to try a place from "the list!" Turned 30 today on a workday...my husband informed me that his mom let them do "whatever they wanted" on their birthday including ditching school...I definitely did not get to miss school! And, now at 30, I still have to work...tear...but there is always Saturday to look forward to! Get to spend some time with my 4 friends from, get this, 1st grade!! I cant believe we are still friends after all that time...and now we get to celebrate our dirty thirty! Why is it dirty? I haven't figured it out yet, but let me ask Siri...Siri said that it is "an older woman that is horny." Lol...

Okay...back to Spin! Now, I'm not going to lie, I was tempted to forgo Spin! and stop at Which Which or Lazy Dog Cafe as I know I would like to eat there but I stayed focus and headed into Spin! When you walk in, there is a huge, kind of overwhelming menu, that we stared at for a long time. It was just hard to make a decision with that information and you have to order before you sit down where it is "full service." They should have a little golf pen and pad of paper so I could organize my thoughts about the menu. There was a very peppy worker there who tried to encourage us, but didn't really help us decide. I knew I was getting the blood orange Sangria....and after much discussion, we decided what to order. We might have gone a little overboard, but its a birthday feast anyways. So, here it goes...we got the blood orange sangria, which was pretty good! You pour the wine into a glass with a blood orange in it, and then this cloud of red comes out of the orange...which in hindsight is a little shark in the water, but I was amused. There was also grapes rolled in sugar, which I should definitely make more often at home because I'm not a huge fan of grapes but rolled in sugar, not so bad.
So, then we got the salad and pizza mini meals with a huge side of flatbread. Let's start with the salads! The salads were my favorite part of the meal, which is kind of surprising as you would think that the pizza would be the winner. Im a big sucker for goat cheese so of course I got the salad (and pizza) with goat cheese. I wonder if I could own a goat one day and make my own cheese...anyways, I got the Sonoma and then my husband got the Spinach (which also has goat cheese..he had to bc it was my birthday) salad. The Vinaigrette was super tasty and they both had good mixes with grapes and fried onions and, of course, goat cheese. Really good. Im growing lettuce in my backyard, and hope to emulate these soon!

Then we got an order of the flatbread, which was so crunchy and soon had the consistency of cardboard. It doesnt deserve a picture on here. Not good.

And, the pizza. The pizza toppings were delish. The cheese was flavorful and the mixes of ingredients were good. But, you really need to like flat pizza. If you dont like flat pizza, the crust that is, then you probably wont like the pizza. I told my supervisor about this place, and she told me that when she orders a pizza, she wants it to be soft and warm, filled with ingredients..its sounded cozy. Well, this pizza isnt cozy. Its flat and crunchy, its not playing around. I liked it, but I prefer "cozy" pizza as my supervisor put it. We ordered BBQ di Pollo and Melanzane.

I read on yelp that their gelato is awesome!!! Too bad we were too full for any dessert :( We went home and had the last of the mint marshmallows instead :) Happy Birthday to me!

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